From as early as the 700s all the way up to today, Bushido has been the code of conduct for Japan’s warriors. Known as the “Samurai Code,” Bushido gives us a guide to follow on how to live a life of honor. Remember that the principles of Bushido printed on your promotion certificate are more than just words, they’re realistic ways to pursue excellence in everything you do.
Benevolence (Jin)
Be nice. There’s no excuse for being mean or harsh. The way of the warrior includes being good and doing good unto others. Goodwill and kindness to all creatures are hallmarks of the Warrior Code.
Chivalry (Makoto)
Stand up for others, especially those who need your help. Just as mounted knights fought to protect Medieval villagers from outside invasion, the Warrior’s Way still requires protecting the weak and defending the defenseless. A modern warrior should be ready to stand up for people who are being bullied or attacked, and should always be ready to do what’s right…even if it means going against the crowd or using force – only if needed and only as a last resort. Learning to defend yourself also means being able to keep others from harm when you may be their only chance.
Courage (Yuki)
Live in the here and now. Be patient and work to overcome your fears. At times, life can be difficult or even frightening. The Way of the Warrior involves being able to control your fear and develop your courage. This doesn’t mean being fearless, because everyone feels afraid sometimes. Fear can even be a good thing when you’re careful crossing the street or when you watch out to avoid possibly dangerous situations. Courage is necessary to take responsibility for your actions, to stand up for your beliefs, and to do the right thing even when others tell you you’re wrong. One way to stay in control even when you’re afraid is to work on being prepared. Martial Arts Training helps you to build courage with challenges like tournament competition, belt testing, working on new techniques, and mastering your basic skills. Handling your fear in a positive way is a good measure of your courage and a sign that you’re following the Way of the Warrior.
Honor (Meiyo)
Living with honor means being honest and accepting responsibility for your obligations and your actions. Honesty requires the courage to always be truthful and the dignity to always be courteous to others. It means always using self-control and restraint so that violence is always used as the last resort and only when absolutely necessary. Be honest. Accept responsibility for your actions and fulfill your obligations. The Way of the Warrior is rooted in being a person of honor.
Loyalty (Chugi)
Stay loyal to those who have shown loyalty to you. Being loyal means honoring your commitments and obligations. When you make a promise to someone, you must stand up for your pledge and stay true to your word. This can mean being faithful to your team, your company, your school, your family, and even to yourself. For example, when you commit to training in the Martial Arts, you must work faithfully and seriously to develop your skills to the necessary level to earn your Black Belt. Loyalty is one of the most important parts
of the Way of the Warrior.
Morality (Gi)
Lead a clean, upstanding life. Always do the right thing and live up to the highest standards.
Respect (Rei)
The way to earn respect is to respect others and yourself.